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The Tile to Metal Trend Taking off Along Our Coastline

When you drive along the coast from Yamba to Byron bay one thing you start to notice is how many homes have changed from tiled roofs to metal ones over the last 15 years with the advent of Colorbond steel roofing materials that add aesthetics back into metal roofing from the old style steel that appeared silvery grey in uniform unless painted and rusted in front of your eyes on the coast.

We see 3 key reasons for this: 1 people sea-changing and renovating homes, 2 people preferring the modern look of sleek white shades, and bold colours to compliment, 3 the cost is much lower than replacing the tiles and laying them and takes less than a week to complete.

We are constantly being asked about tile to metal conversions and whether they are worth it. We recommend them over replacing tiles as it is lower cost, time effective to get done, and lower maintenance than a tiled roof, and the look adds potentially thousands to your home's kerb appeal.

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